Dates to Remember

Dates To Remember


Celebrate Good Times, Come On!








3 - Shirley Pollack Birthday
5 - Av Sohn Birthday
10 - Arella Sohn Birthday
22 - Denise (Oransky) Daniels Birthday



8 - Ken Lipson Birthday
8 - Murray Oransky Birthday
14 - Mollissa (Frankel) LeMay Birthday
15 - Linda (Pollack) Nardea Birthday
16 - Gloria Bercovitch Birthday
2 - Brian Daniels Birthday
9 - Red Pollack Birthday
12 - Gayla (Pollack) Lipson Birthday
12 - Jessica Anne Wright Sohn Birthday
14 - Stefanie Pollard Birthday
19 - Phillis & Jeff Jennes Anniversary 1996
20 - Harriette Oransky Birthday
24 - Phillis (Beberman) Jennes Birthday

5- Alan Persofsky Birthday
18 - Jim Pollard Birthday
25 - Caralee (Persofsky) Biback Birthday
29 - Julie Amanda Lipson Birthday


5 - Joshua Sohn Birthday
10 - Susan Oransky Birthday
15 - Harriette and Murray Oransky Anniversary
20 - Jonathan Persofsky Birthday
26 - Candice Biback Birthday
28 - Jeffrey Oransky Birthday
28 - Michael Oransky Birthday
3 - Tyler Biback Birthday
16 - Stan Oransky Birthday
28 - Paul O'Connell Birthday
31 - Jamie Pollack Birthday


Please send all additions for this list to Michael at: Michael's Email Address  

The music you are hearing on this page is "Celebration" by Kool and the Gang!